
This page may hold more information in the future, but for now we wanted to get the points table visible.

Konkel, Josh1300
Paul, Charles1170
Allen, Damian925
Carcelli, Derek900
O’Neal, Mike850
Stoy, Larry850
Mullen, Billy725
Casteel, Jason675
Raycroft, Charles625
Crosby, Mike610
Murphy, Chris570
Ledger, Lucas525
Rodriguez, Jeremy500
Burbage, Bill485
Carcelli, Kimmy475
Moser, Darrin450
Bower, Tom450
McKibbin, Chris410
Matheison, Rob400
Watson, Ryan395
Estock, Jeff385
Luck, Terry350
Tracy-Rigoni, Chris325
Hohn, James300
Wilcox, Paula295
Boik, Talena250
Del Aguila, Marco250
Graves, Jacob250
McGraw, Daniel250
Hollar, Suzan250
Seiferheld, Rich225
Ruelas, Joey150
Brock, Christine80
Tski, Mike75
Fore, Johnny75
Stieby, Kevin75
Robbins, Derrick50
Fitzharris, Christy50
Braswell, Austin0
Braswell, Stacy0
Cousin, David0
Reaume, Andre0
Sharifzadeh, Brooke0
Smith, Jason0